


En résumé

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  • Joba Plantenservice bv - Account Manager Jardineries France

    2015 - maintenant My key target is to provide my French customer with the best offers available.
    Novelties, Specialties, Custom made creations, always in search for the best commerce in the shops. Also it is my task to make a profitable and overall a sustainable supply chain, from producer to consumer.
  • Yex bv - Product- & Account manager

    2013 - 2015 As a productmanager it is my task to select the best partners for my products, like the whole team has its responsibility for their products.
    In sales I try to provide my relations with all the information they need to have success in their business. This means to me to keep them up to date with market developments, novelties in exotics and tropical fruits and vegetables from all over the world, provide them with the latest opportunities in packaging, offering year round exotics, tropicals and citrus and all this for a fair price to keep the chain up and running for long term relationships.
  • Bromelia Specialist - Vendeur vers exportateurs chez producteur des Bromeliads

    2012 - 2012 Develop the sales to relations in the international exporting business by making custom made shelf plans and specific assortment offers by colour and specie out of a total production of 200 varieties.
  • Disva Garden Center Plants - Account Manager France

    2006 - 2012 My key target was to provide the Garden Centers of Jardiland, France, with the best offers in available. Searching for new products, new concepts and products with high quality for the best price for everyone. From producer to transporter and finally the consumer.
    Started as a sales assistent to end up as key account manager for the team.


  • HHS / TH (La Haye)

    La Haye 2003 - 2006
Annuaire des membres :