
Jessica GNEZA

  • Sagantec Netherlands BV
  • employée de service marketing

La Haye

En résumé

Growing-up in the south of Ghana, Accra, I have always been passionate by strategy, marketing-communication and have always had a deep interest in the international business. I did several linguistics exchanges in Gauteng, I studied a year in the Netherlands and I worked in Denmark for two years. Which is the result I appreciate so much working in a multicultural environment.
I am highly resourceful, motivated and open-minded. I am a reliable partner and committed to provide results. As a self-starter, I like having responsibilities and taking initiatives. Furthermore, I am a strong team player. I am quickly accepted and viewed as a person of trust who can solve difficult problems, not only with expertise, but also with empathy and human warmth.

Highlights of my professional career that may be of interest to you include:

Marketing skills: market researches, product development, strategic marketing plan, track trends & monitor competition, collecting customer feedback, develop market opportunity;
Communication skills: event organization, newsletter, best practices recognition, budget planning, mission and vision creation, kit of communication, awareness sessions;
Commercial skills: monitoring activity, negotiation, provide customer services, build strong relationship with customers and suppliers, ability to foster a collaborative, team-oriented approach by animating network, provides results of sales;
Lean skills: Visual management, PDCA, SQCDP, Voice of Customer, Go Look and See.

I am currently seeking for new opportunities in the field of Marketing and Communication, feel free to contact me!


  • Sagantec Netherlands BV - Employée de service marketing

    Commercial | La Haye (50250) 2019 - 2020
  • Niewtech Solutions - Sales manager

    Administratif | ACCRA 2016 - 2019 We do Database driven and Content Management Website, Hosting, Domain Name Registration, Online Advertisement and Website Management.
    We deliver high quality, timely and cost effective business solutions and services as per your requirement and specifications. We are unique experts with years of experience.
    We works with clients across the following market sectors:
    Manufacturing, Retail, Services; Public, Health & Transports;
    Financial Services; Telecoms, Media & Technology; Energy &
    Utilities. The company’s client profile encompasses a broad range of industries and businesses in Africa and overseas.
  • Foglieni caterer - Junior Project Manager

    Technique | TEMA 2014 - 2015 Main mission: Commercial development and communication strategy.
    Tasks: Market research : Qualitative research / quantitative research; competitive analysis;
    Communication and Marketing plan to keep ahead of competitors.
  • GNEZA GROUP - Assistante technique

    Technique | DUBLIN 2010 - 2011 Main mission: Supporting on the elaboration of the strategy through a marketing plan.
    Tasks: benchmarks, advanced econometrics and consumer surveys, to secure the long term marketing
    decisions based on the needs of the group and competitive analysis.
    Final year dissertation: “In which measure the fact to spread the marketing plan through the
    different internal stakeholders, would reinforce the group’ strategy to set up?”


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