
Guillaume DE TILIÈRE


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet


  • Transamo - Directeur du Pôle Mobilité & Études Générales

    2018 - 2019
  • Universite PARIS -EST Marne la Vallée - Associate Professor

    2013 - maintenant Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport (UPMV-ENPC-IFFSTAR)
    École d'urbanisme de Paris (EUP)
  • BG Ingénieurs Conseils - Responsable du Groupe Transport

    Lausanne 2009 - 2018 Dévelopement des activités systèmes de transport,
    planification des transports et ingénierie ferroviaire.

    Etudes ferroviaires: Lyon Turin Ferroviaire (LTF), LGV Thalys (RFF), LNPN Paris-Normandie (CNDP), RER Fribourg (TPF), TGV Paris-Genève (RFF), Dullin l'Epine (RFF)

    Etudes de planification: TER-Tram Train Lyon-Givors (DTCI RRA), Complexe de Chambord, Martigny-Orsières (RegionAlps-TMR), Exploitation gare de Perrache (RFF-SNCF).

    Etudes de conception des gares et aspects transport: 5 gares du Grand Paris (SGP), 16 Gares de la ligne Orange (STIF).

    Participation dans des formations:
    - Cours mastère postgrade ENPC: conception et exploitation des gares.
    - Cours de sytème de transport: intervention dans la formation mastère EPFL depuis 2009.
    - Professeur à l'ESTACA, module planification des systèmes de transport, master M2.
  • ALSTOM Transport - ERTMS Standard Director

    2005 - 2009 ERTMS Standard Director in ALSTOM Transport (new European Rail signaling Standard), based in Baden-Biel (CH). Member of ALSTOM Railway management committee in Paris and of the UNIFE/UNISIG steering Committee in Brussels for discussions between the Industry and the European Commission: standardization of Rail technologies in Europe, focus on Signaling technologies (safety, Interoperability, ergonomics).

    Sales & Marketing Switzerland, in charge of tenders for Swiss market (Rail signaling systems) in the Sales & Marketing department: Bid Manager of various ERTMS tenders such as Lötchberg (2002-2003), Gotthard (2006), or Maintenance of the SA-NBS line (2004-2006).

    Member of ALSTOM speakers group: several articles and presentations in international conferences related to transportation technologies, innovation management and economics (the Hague 2001, Lausanne 2002, Ascona 2003, Toulouse 2003, Strasbourg 2004, Prague 2004, IRSE Interlaken 2006, Bern UIC ERTMS conference 2007).
  • ALSTOM Transport - Paris - Bid Manager / Sales

    Saint Ouen 2002 - 2005 2002-04 Bid Manager for ALSTOM Transport (TIS / Signaling),
    based in Paris. In charge of the following tenders, in relation with the international sales & marketing department:

    - Maintenance Support Contract for SBB, Switzerland. ERTMS SA-NBS, 450 trains plus trackside.
    - ERTMS Regional, signaling of 1200 km in Sweden, with 10 years Maintenance contract (> 100 ME)
    - ERTMS Regional, signaling of 1200 km in China, with 100 onboard equipments.
    - ERTMS Level 2 Sweden, 200 km for High Speed line in consortium with Vossloh IT.
    - ERTMS L1 Korea in consortium with LGIS (Lucky Goldstar), Signaling of 700 km of conventional lines, including 432 on-board equipment and a 3 years maintenance contract (including ToT contract).
    - ERTMS L2 France for LGV Est (Paris-Strasbourg): Signaling of 300 km High-speed line.
    - ERTMS L2 for Lötschberg in Switzerland, in consortium with Siemens - Signaling of 3 stations plus 50 km of tunnel, including a 10 years maintenance contract.
    - ERTMS L2 - Tender and Contract for 60 on-board equipment, cab-radio (Vossloh- Germany).

    - Consultant for the Tripartite working group SBB-ALSTOM-Bombardier on Interoperability: Audit of the Swiss ERTMS Pilot line Olten-Luzern (Dec 2002 – April 2003).

    - Project Manager of the ETM-ETCS Test Program for SBB (ERTMS onboard for SA-NBS pilot line – Jan. 03 to Dec. 03).
  • Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) - Research Associate

    1998 - 2002 2000-01 Research Associate at the Institute of Transportation Studies ITS at UC-Berkeley (USA):

    - Project financed by the Swiss National Found of Research (SNF) on the Innovation management in complex engineering systems - case of the high-speed transportation Systems (industrial strategies and Public investments). Presentation at the 4th International Conference on “Innovation, Technology and Policy”, The Hague 2001.

    1998-00 Research Associate at EPFL-ITEP (Institute of Transport and Planning, unit Logistics & Management).

    - Contract for the PREDIT, on the management and investments choices in projects with strong technological rupture (first award for strategic research, PREDIT 2001 in partnership with ALSTOM and SNCF).

    - Diverse research contracts on transportation systems (incl. Management & Economic issues), of which a project for the European community DGVII (collaboration with 19 European institutes): Research project on the freight transport through the Alps part of the project (3 years research, collaboration of 19 institutes from 6 EU countries).

    - Project management: IT Concept for the management of the Metro M2 project in Lausanne (Switzerland).

    1997-98 Transport project assessment, (4 months, EPFL diploma). Profitability study of the Swissmetro project Geneva-Lyon. Report presented in 1999 to the French & Swiss interregional commissions.

    1996 Tramway Geneva - Annemasse, (2 Mth training) : Implantation of the tramway line between Geneva (ONU) et Annemasse (SNCF station).

    Management & Logistics, (2 Mth training) : management and restructuring of stocks for INTERDICA (CARTIER Group). Organization concept for international sales.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :