
Fabrice DUCEPT


En résumé

6 month Mission in The Netherlands:
Located at The Hague, I am conducting an analysis of knowledge triangle (Research-Education-Innovation) strategies in dutch Universities, to advice the department.

Mes compétences :
Analyse dimensionnelle
Foaming process
Spray drying
Hygienic Design
Mécanique des fluides
Process Engineering
Mixing process


  • Agroparistech - Enseignant chercheur

    Paris maintenant
  • AgroParisTech - Full Professor of Process Engineering

    Paris 2014 - maintenant Education:
    - Master of engineering and Master of Science
    - Design of courses and practical works
    - Supervision of internships
    - Realization of e-learning courses
    - Design and follow-up of project learning (from 100 h to 200 h)

    - supervision of 5 PhD theses, within the framework of industrial projects
    - supervision of internships
    - scientific articles, and 2 books (500 p. and 250 p.)
    - oral presentations in international congresses

    Responsibilities and animation
    - Head of the 3rd year speciality "Process Engineering" of the Master of Engineering AgroParisTech
    - Moderator of AgroParisTech Process Engeering teacher group
    - Member of board of teachers and governing concil


Pas de formation renseignée


Pas de contact professionnel

Annuaire des membres :